Monday, March 14, 2011

Secure USB flash drive from viruses with dummy files

As you may know, the flashdisk is a passive medium, so that any program is installed in it will not be able to walk (on) its own without any operating system. Although antivirus software already installed, will not effectively protect itself when in use on the computer that is infected with the virus.

One way to protect the flash from the virus is by creating a dummy file in it. What is a dummy file and how to make it?

Dummy file in question here is the file artificial or "dummy files" whose contents can be anything or even empty. What is important in size according to the size of memory / space is left in the flash. That way, the flash will be full of data and no empty space inside.

With his full flash (no free space), it will not automatically be added to or writable data, including any modification of the file can not (as if there are write-protected feature.) So this could be an alternative way to prevent (reduce likelihood) viruses infect / replicate itself into the flash. Then if we want to use to store files, so we stay clear of this dummy file.

Create a dummy file with Command Prompt
In Windows, you can use a tool whose name fsutil. Fsutil has many functions one of which was to create a new file with a certain size. To make the file size with the free space available, then follow these steps:

#Previously, to find out how much free space is available, right click the drive (flash) and select Properties. You should see the size of space is still available in bytes (Free Space).
# Open a Command Prompt (All Programs> Accessories> Command Prompt)
# Type the following command
fsutil createnew file "D: \ file-dummy.dat" 1234567
# After that hit enter and it will appear the information was created dummy files

Explanation: D: \ file-dummy.dat a file to be created (if there are spaces, use quotation marks) and 123 456 is the size of the file to be created. If successful, will be generated files with a size that has been entered and the process is relatively very fast.

How much easier?

If you want way more easily and do not need to know how much free space is available or inconvenience using the Command Prompt, use this simple and small program Dummy File Maker (18 KB). How to use them quite easily, such as the following explanation:

1. Start the Dummy File Maker from the location where the dummy file will be created, for example in the flash.
2. Fill in the desired file name (file name) or click the "Random" to make random file name.
3. Select the option "Using all free space in current drive" to make the file size according to the space available.
4. Select "Place the file in sub folder" if you want to put the files in sub folders according to file name
5. Click the create button
6. Done ..

Note: If the size of the file you want to create (free space) is very large (perhaps hundreds of MB or more than 1 GB), it is better made dummy files are small. Because maybe the windows explorer will seemingly hang when accessing the files are quite large.

This method does not guarantee completely safe, because the virus could delete files in the flash it infects. But this way at least we can reduce the risk of virus infected flash or fill the data by the program or anyone else. If the flash already has a feature write-protected by the switches, buttons, etc., then using these features will certainly be better.

Download the Dummy file maker (18 KB)

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